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Mirage Software není tradiční RIP software, ale spíše hybrid mezi ripem a plug-inem pro programy Adobe.
Je určen pro velkoformátové tiskárny řady Epson a pouze pro ně, což znamená od Epson 3800 až např. po nové tiskárny Surecolor.  
Software má širokou škálu funkcí, které vám tisk ještě více usnadní.
V podstatě stejný software v různých verzích, ale každá verze podporuje tiskárny jiné velikosti.
    Mirage CAD Edition v2025 Canon
    Varenr.: 110265
    Mirage is developed, optimised and used by photographers, fine art printers, print service providers, graphic designers, marketing agencies, layout designers, packaging designers and professional amateurs.
    Mirage offers professional and "Prosumer" functionality, all at a cost-effective price point.
    • 1.179,00  Kč vyjma DPH a ekologický příspěvek
    (1.426,59 Kč Zobrazit s DPH)
    Mirage Lab Edition v2025
    Varenr.: 110264
    Mirage is developed, optimised and used by photographers, fine art printers, print service providers, graphic designers, marketing agencies, layout designers, packaging designers and professional amateurs.
    Mirage offers professional and "Prosumer" functionality, all at a cost-effective price point.
    • 2.832,00  Kč vyjma DPH a ekologický příspěvek
    (3.426,72 Kč Zobrazit s DPH)
    Lodě uvnitř2 dní
    Mirage v2025 - Master Edition Canon
    na skladěNa skladě
    Varenr.: 9666
    Mirage is developed, optimised and used by photographers, fine art printers, print service providers, graphic designers, marketing agencies, layout designers, packaging designers and professional amateurs.
    Mirage offers professional and "Prosumer" functionality, all at a cost-effective price point.
    • 2.815,00  Kč vyjma DPH a ekologický příspěvek
    (3.406,15 Kč Zobrazit s DPH)
    Lodě uvnitř2 dní
    Mirage v2025 - Master Edition Epson
    na skladěNa skladě
    Varenr.: 9674
    Mirage is developed, optimised and used by photographers, fine art printers, print service providers, graphic designers, marketing agencies, layout designers, packaging designers and professional amateurs.
    Mirage offers professional and "Prosumer" functionality, all at a cost-effective price point.
    • 2.815,00  Kč vyjma DPH a ekologický příspěvek
    (3.406,15 Kč Zobrazit s DPH)
    Lodě uvnitř2 dní
    Mirage v2025 - Master Edition Epson incl. PRO Extension
    na skladěNa skladě
    Varenr.: 9676
    The Mirage Pro extension adds support for the Epson SpectroProofer device to enable creation of ICC color profiles with ease.
    The Mirage Pro wizard will automatically layout and print the measurement color patches, dry the print with the SpectroProofer’s built in fan, measure the color patches utilizing SpectroProofer’s x-rite measurement device and create professional ICC profiles for you.
    • 4.690,00  Kč vyjma DPH a ekologický příspěvek
    (5.674,90 Kč Zobrazit s DPH)
    Mirage v2025 17" Edition for Canon
    na skladěNa skladě
    Varenr.: 102185
    Mirage is developed, optimised and used by photographers, fine art printers, print service providers, graphic designers, marketing agencies, layout designers, packaging designers and professional amateurs.
    Mirage offers professional and "Prosumer" functionality, all at a cost-effective price point.
    • 1.641,00  Kč vyjma DPH a ekologický příspěvek
    (1.985,61 Kč Zobrazit s DPH)
    Lodě uvnitř2 dní
    Mirage v2025 17" Edition for Epson
    na skladěNa skladě
    Varenr.: 94824
    Mirage is developed, optimised and used by photographers, fine art printers, print service providers, graphic designers, marketing agencies, layout designers, packaging designers and professional amateurs.
    Mirage offers professional and "Prosumer" functionality, all at a cost-effective price point.
    • 1.641,00  Kč vyjma DPH a ekologický příspěvek
    (1.985,61 Kč Zobrazit s DPH)
    Mirage v2025 17" Edition for Epson incl. PRO Ext
    na skladěNa skladě
    Varenr.: 102189
    The Mirage Pro extension adds support for the Epson SpectroProofer device to enable creation of ICC color profiles with ease.
    The Mirage Pro wizard will automatically layout and print the measurement color patches, dry the print with the SpectroProofer’s built in fan, measure the color patches utilizing SpectroProofer’s x-rite measurement device and create professional ICC profiles for you.
    • 14.250,00  Kč vyjma DPH a ekologický příspěvek
    (17.242,50 Kč Zobrazit s DPH)
    Mirage v2025 Lab Edition for Epson
    na skladěNa skladě
    Varenr.: 102181
    Mirage is developed, optimised and used by photographers, fine art printers, print service providers, graphic designers, marketing agencies, layout designers, packaging designers and professional amateurs.
    Mirage offers professional and "Prosumer" functionality, all at a cost-effective price point.
    • 2.815,00  Kč vyjma DPH a ekologický příspěvek
    (3.406,15 Kč Zobrazit s DPH)
    Mirage v2025 PRO-Extension Epson
    Varenr.: 102190
    The Mirage Pro extension adds support for the Epson SpectroProofer device to enable creation of ICC color profiles with ease.
    The Mirage Pro wizard will automatically layout and print the measurement color patches, dry the print with the SpectroProofer’s built in fan, measure the color patches utilizing SpectroProofer’s x-rite measurement device and create professional ICC profiles for you.
    • 8.180,00  Kč vyjma DPH a ekologický příspěvek
    (9.897,80 Kč Zobrazit s DPH)
    Mirage v2025 Small Studio Edition for Canon
    na skladěNa skladě
    Varenr.: 102186
    Mirage is developed, optimised and used by photographers, fine art printers, print service providers, graphic designers, marketing agencies, layout designers, packaging designers and professional amateurs.
    Mirage offers professional and "Prosumer" functionality, all at a cost-effective price point.
    • 705,00  Kč vyjma DPH a ekologický příspěvek
    (853,05 Kč Zobrazit s DPH)
    Mirage v2025 Small Studio Edition for Epson
    na skladěNa skladě
    Varenr.: 102188
    Mirage is developed, optimised and used by photographers, fine art printers, print service providers, graphic designers, marketing agencies, layout designers, packaging designers and professional amateurs.
    Mirage offers professional and "Prosumer" functionality, all at a cost-effective price point.
    • 705,00  Kč vyjma DPH a ekologický příspěvek
    (853,05 Kč Zobrazit s DPH)
    Mirage v2025 Ultimate Edition
    na skladěNa skladě
    Varenr.: 102187
    This version of Mirage is for the customer who has multiple printers and work with different types like a Large format printer from Epson and a SureLab or a both a Canon and Epson.
    • 4.690,00  Kč vyjma DPH a ekologický příspěvek
    (5.674,90 Kč Zobrazit s DPH)
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